Shatti 20 is an irregular stack of 5
curving/undulatedfloor plates of
volumes subtracted/ scooped from each floor plate in order to provide a dynamic
approach that give the building a sense of movement and leave space for
terraces on the ground floor and the penthouse. Shatti 20 is inspired by the
wind and its moves. Slabswithacurvilinearoutlineavoidabulkandstaticvolume.
geometry that creates a buildingthat
both accessiblefrom multiple
directions and smooth; an architecture thatisopenandinvitingtothepublic. Thecurvilineardesigndifferentiatesitfrommostofthesurrounding
monumental architecture. Undulation gives the impression that the building is
never-ending with its lack or sharp corners.
Thebuildingsitsonaglassbase,allowingtransparencytopublicareasandinandoutofthebuilding. The Façade is a combination
transparency on the ground floor and penthouse and bold offices clearly differentiatingwhat’spublicfromwhat’sprivate).Atthesametime,thefaçadegivesthe“seebutnotseen”
impression for the offices, allowing its privacy from the outside.